Nottingham Summer School 2022

Following its absence during the pandemic, September 2022 saw the return of TTA Summer School, with 11 TTA London instructors / students travelling to Nottingham to attend.

The 23rd Annual TTA Summer school, hosted by TTA Nottingham at the University, comprised of 5 days, made up of 6 hours of taekwondo each day, led by Grandmaster Loh, 9th Dan.

Attended by both a range of instructors and students, from 9th kup to 5th Dan from TTA clubs all over the UK and beyond, it was a fantastic opportunity for all to test their mind, body and spirit, while each day exploring, learning and being inspired by others to challenge yourself further. The support and encouragement from like minded participants provided a positive, motivational training environment, driving everyone to dig deep to overcome our limits and continue to improve and move forwards during tougher sessions!

Many thanks to Grandmaster Loh for the invaluable guidance and training throughout the week, and for all the many teachings and improvements that we all take away with us and hope to build upon, both within taekwondo, and apply to life outside taekwondo also.

Members of London reflect on their Summer School 2022 Experience:

"This was my first summer school and I wasn’t sure what to expect, having only heard stories from other members, but I’m very glad that I went! During those six days, I pushed myself physically and mentally further than I ever have before. I of course learned a lot about Taekwondo techniques and applications, but I also learned a lot about myself and what I was capable of. Having the opportunity to train with Grandmaster Loh, seniors and members of all TTA clubs was an amazing experience, and one I’ll definitely come back to!"
Jeanne, 6th kup

"Summer school was definitely a new experience for me. Being in a new setting for six consecutive days where I only work on taekwondo was definitely rewarding. It was a challenging time but I am fortunate to have been encouraged by seniors at the course. Throughout the days I have understood my strengths and weaknesses and know what I should be working on going forwards.

It was also great to see new faces and get the experience of training alongside members from different TTA clubs.

Finally, learning directly from Grandmaster Loh is an honour and getting his feedback was insightful."
Iqqra, 2nd kup

"Summer school was a great opportunity to train under the guidance of Grand Master Loh. We had the opportunity to learn some amazing new techniques but also cement the basics. Particular highlights for me was the jumping and spinning techniques. The physical and mental benefits of having such focussed training has been a great experience. Not only is summer school a great opportunity to train under Grand Master Loh but also a brilliant opportunity to meet and train with people in the TTA clubs across the country. The feedback and encouragement that is given on the course is invaluable, personally I have a taken items away that I thought I did well and of course as always with tae kwondo a list of areas to work on! Thanks to everyone who made it such a memorable week!"
Tom, 1st Dan

"My first summer school was 2017 so after a five year hiatus I made the decision to attend the 2022 summer school. It was well worth it as what followed was an intense 5 days of training, coaching and teaching from Grand Master Loh, where we were put through our paces in poomsae, step sparring, reverse turning kicks, paddle and spirit drills, advanced sparring drills, multiple kicking drills, stretching and free sparring to finish us, I mean the course off! This was a test of my endurance and physical abilities but I made it through with encouragement from the excellent London, Swiss and Sussex contingent who had all travelled to participate in summer school at the same time as me. It was such a shared bonding experience and everyone was amazing and should take pride in their achievements and how well they all did. Was also great to train and watch so many senior blackbelts in action and I hope I can take this massive experience forward and use it to develop further as an instructor for Peckham and as blackbelt in the TTA! Thanks again to everyone who went through this experience with me and who knows maybe I might head back to Nottingham one more time! PILSUNG!"
Patrick, 2nd Dan

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