32nd TTA Team Championships, April 2017


On Sunday 9th April, TTA London fielded a mixed adults and children team for the first time at the 34th TTA Team Championships at Bellahouston Centre in Glasgow. Our competitors represented London across a number of events, including paired and team poomsae, individual and team kyorugi (sparring), as well as referees. Congratulations to all that took part, and many thanks to the coaches and organisers of another successful event.London returned successfully winning 2 gold medals, 6 silvers and 6 bronzes, in addition to the Team Spirit Trophy. London was placed 4th in the Top Clubs table, with 2 participants placed in the Top 10 individuals medal table.Summary of the results and recollections of the day from some who took part are below.


Pair Poomsae 2nd – 1st kup: Louise Mayor and Myrna

Pair Poomsae 1st Dan: Dayo Ajibade and Charlotte Foong


Pair Poomsae 4th – 3th kup: Maja Jablonska-Bak and Michaela Raj

Team Poomsae 4th – 1st kup: Jennifer Small, Patrick Callaghan, and Seth Campbell

Female Individual Sparring: Amber, Emma, Myrna

Male Team Sparring: Bharat Raj, Jonathan Liang (London), Nigel and Tomasza (Leeds)


Female Individual Sparring: Lily Shia, Annecy Crescini, Michaela Raj, Jennifer Small

Female Team Sparring: Sarah Garrett, Louise Mayor, Myrna

Male Team Sparring: Dayo Ajibade and Seth Campbell


Dr Lew, Patrick Callaghan and Charlotte Foong

Recollection from Myrna, TTA London Southwark:

Already the training leading up to the competition was very enjoyable, as this time it was the team event and there is nothing better than polishing that poomsae with your partner until it is nice and synchronised.

Once the weekend of the competition had arrived, I was quite nervous as usual before such an event. However, it was helpful to share this experience with everyone else from the London clubs on the way to Glasgow, at the team dinner the night before and at the competition itself. My favourite part of the competition was the team poomsae, which was crowned by a nice gold medal and trophy so we couldn’t be any happier about this outcome. The sparring part is always quite a challenge for me personally because you don’t know who you are up against and what to expect from them, so my adrenaline levels were quite high when it was time to enter the ring. It really helps though to have great coaching and support from everyone in the London team shouting my name and pushing me to the limit. Once the individual sparring was done, there was still the team event to come, which I enjoyed a lot being able to share the experience with the other team members. It was a great feeling once all the fights were done, we could watch the last matches and eat plenty of chocolate to recover from an eventful day.

Recollection from Dayo, TTA London Barbican:

It's impossible not to be nervous when preparing for a competition. You've trained hard and you've listened to all the advice of your instructors and seniors. In fact, you've probably even found yourself practising patterns and kick combinations anywhere where you think no one's watching.But as you get to the competition venue and start warning up, something happens; the nerves start to ease.You take part in the team poomsae competition. You know your pattern, the steps and the rhythm, and you execute. The practice with your teammates beforehand has paid off - each block, kick, punch and kihap synchronise; it feels as if it's just one person moving.With the poomsae complete, the nerves are pure adrenaline. After some kicks against paddles to warm up, you're ready for the next test - kyorugi.By now you know that the sparring isn't anything to be feared. Sure, it is always a test, but you're within the TTA family and everyone around you is asking themselves the same question: what do I need to do to improve?And then the day is over. Maybe you got a medal, maybe even a trophy. But even if you didn't, you've still have something valuable; you have the measure of your strengths and weaknesses as a Taekwondo practitioner.

Recollection from Emma, TTA London Southwark:

On the day of the competition, I woke up not knowing what to expect at all. I wasn’t nervous in any shape or form: instead, I felt as ready as ever! It was only when we arrived at the venue that my nerves started to kick in.When we finally got into the hall, Amber and I began to practise our poomsae, with the aim to make it as perfect as possible. Watching all of the other competitors doing their poomsae was really inspiring as you could see everyone was incredibly focused.The sparring was an experience that will never be forgotten. Seeing my opponents made me feel slightly tense because I thought I might lose as their belt was higher than mine. Well, I learnt that no matter what belt you are, your determination can make all the difference.Hearing my family and friends all cheering for me at extreme volumes really kept me going through to the end. Winning my first fight (44-46)) scoring the winning point at the last second made me and everyone else supporting me feel extremely proud.The rest of the day was spent supporting TTA London members, cheering them on just as loud as they cheered for me.Although I lost my second fight, I am still really proud of my silver medal!I can’t wait until the next one!

Recollection from Patrick, TTA London Barbican:

This was my second time being a TTA referee and corner judge and as with the first time it was a highly rewarding experience. I was lucky to be on ladies court where I was sorely tested and had to be at my quickest in the ring. I was able to get a bird’s eye view of some great taekwondo fights and witness some great spirit. It taught me how to react quicker to situation (not quick enough at one point as my glasses were sent flying) and also gave me tips for my own sparring. I would highly recommend that people get on the referees course and get themselves refereeing as it will add to your Taekwondo journey and give you a new insight. Happy to chat about this if anyone wants more of an insight.

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